Take a break at the end of the year to reflect on your business

It is the end of 2021, and for business owners, a chance to take a well-deserved break. The mind of a business owner is always in action, thinking up innovative ideas and strategies to drive the business forward. Thus, even though you may be taking a break from the physical aspects of work, mentally, you are still on the job. This is a great time to reflect on this past year and then craft the way forward.

Step 1: Acknowledge your learnings

Write a list of your top three successes and your top three challenges. Look at the actions you took that led up to the successes, and how you overcame the challenges. This review will help you understand the steps that led towards achieving growth. You will be able to determine whether you are on course for progress or stuck in an ineffective way of being. 

Step 2: Look factually at what happened

Take the emotion out of your business experiences this year, and factually look at what happened through the year. Ask yourself why you think it happened, and what was the eventual result. As Norman Peale says, review your attitude and wording from ‘if only’ to ‘next time’ so that you can list actions on what to improve in the coming year.

Step 3: Take a moment to be thankful

Put down at least ten things that you are grateful for from the past year. Consider the people that you are working with, and the accomplishments you have been able to achieve. List down any insights that have become clear to you. Appreciate all your available resources. Look positively at how you have overcome periods where resources were lacking.

Step 4: Evaluate your self-care

As you reflect on your business, consider your self-care. How much time have you committed to your business, and how much time have you committed to yourself? To be successful and productive requires a work-life balance, which requires that you take time out occasionally to recalibrate. Remember, you work hard enough to deserve a break. Allow yourself the freedom to take one.

Taking a break and reflecting on the past year is an excellent way to awaken solutions resting deep in your subconscious. Reflection allows you to identify patterns and learn valuable lessons that will keep you moving forward. As you reflect, you will gain inspiration that will help you tap into what is necessary to meet your long-term goals. As the year ends, take the rest you need so that you can start 2022 ready for action.

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