3  Must-Read Books for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

The first quarter of the year is over, and I hope you are well settled into 2022. Now is the time to refocus on your big goals. The books I am recommending for you this quarter are bound to inspire you and keep you on track. I have chosen a mix of titles, one well-known that will take up permanent residence on your bookshelf, one that offers an inspiring perspective on growth, and the third to help you gain momentum.

1.     Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport

What could you accomplish by packing 90 minutes worth of productivity into an hour? This premise is what drew me to this book – the idea that I can get more done in the limited time I have each day. In this book, you will find actionable techniques that help you manage the chaos around you. Also, you learn how to avoid distractions and execute highly challenging tasks that will help your business succeed. This book by Cal Newport tells stories that you can connect with and presents four rules that will transform your mind and help you achieve extraordinary results.

2.     Choose Possibility: Take Risks and Thrive (Even When You Fail) by Sukhinder Singh Cassidy

Choose possibility is a new book, less than one-year-old in the market. Sukhinder Singh Cassidy is an impressive woman, who has served as a CEO for two companies, and a key advisor to Amazon and Google. She says ‘Don’t strive for perfection, strive for progress. The biggest risk is inaction.’ From this book, I understand the value of repeatedly making choices and growing a business or career. She touches on how she navigated her poor choices when taking risks. And as you look to the future, this book will reveal how to make FOMO your friend. Choose possibility is a book that will help you act this year.

3.     Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman

There is so much to get done in a day, and I picked up this book to determine if it would help me optimize my time. This book went beyond my expectations. It reveals six components of entrepreneurship, and how to use them to make progress on all the goals you set. Gino Wickman offers insight on how to balance all the elements in your business and make some tough choices. He does this using The Entrepreneurial Operating System method, with the aim of ensuring you can run a frustration-free business. Grab yourself a cup of coffee and a little quiet time each evening. Reading these books will be well worth it. If you get inspired and need support from a business advisor to move forward, reach out to RCN Accounting & Business Advisors through www.rcncpas.com.

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