Category Tax Planning

How to Create Financial Projections for your Business

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” ~ Benjamin Franklin Any small business owner understands the importance of financial projections to guide their business strategy. How can you get started with creating your financial projections? You can choose to use…

revenue diversification image

Importance of Revenue Diversification

“If I lose this client, am in trouble! “ It feels amazing to get your first major client, paying you more than all your other clients put together. This is common with small businesses that tend to have a singular…

tax reduction

3 Tax Reduction Strategies for Small Businesses

Did you know that the U.S. tax code is around 70,000 pages long?  No wonder, as a small business owner understanding your tax obligations can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, tax reduction cannot be achieved overnight, which is why you need a…

Business Advisory

5 Benefits of Working with a Business Advisor

Too many to-do’s, and the lack of expertise to get it all done could leave you feeling helpless. As your business is growing, simple tasks are increasing in complexity. As you go through this phase, it becomes clear that you…

Past-due invoice

3 Ways to Prevent Past-Due Invoices

‘The payment shall be made next week.’ ‘The check is in the mail.’ These are statements you likely hear when you are following up on a past-due invoice. Invoice deadlines are significant for any small business owner. They enable you…

Budget Preparation

How to Prepare a Budget for your Business

It is the beginning of the year, and the ideal time to prepare your annual budget. Budgeting is an excellent way to understand your business and set up a structure for overseeing your operations. With a comprehensive budget, you will…

Mark your Calendar

2022 Q1 Tax deadlines: Mark your calendars

As the new year kicks off, it’s time to mark your calendars for essential tax dates in 2022. Here are some notable dates for the first quarter. January 31st, 2022 Form 1099 – NEC This form is necessary if you…

Financial Planning

4 Finance Planning Tips for Small Businesses in 2022

New Year’s greetings! Before you dive into your financial strategy for 2022, tie up any loose ends you may have from 2021. These may include small actions overlooked towards the end of the year which could impact your finances in…